Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Integumentary system

                                                  The Integumentary system
       The overall importance of the integumentary system is to protect from bacteria, infections, sun, and diseases, maintain homeostasis, and to remove wastes. The largest organ of the integumentary system is the skin. The features of the skin can allow to perform functions is that it can activate the nervous system by touching or feeling things. The skin has multiple layers for protection for your inner organs and to protect the skeleton. The human integumentary system has three layers of skin:
  •  1st layer of the skin is the Epidermis (outer layer)
  • 2nd layer of the skin is the Dermis ( middle layer or "true layer")
  • 3rd layer of the skin is the subcutaneous tissue (fat)
        There are advantages for these three layers of skin: they all provide protection, they keep waste away, and  helps maintain homeostasis by keeping the body at its normal body temperature. There are also disadvantages for the layers and the skin itself: it can get damaged from fires, burns, or even cuts.

         There are two types of body coverings that many organisms have to survive:
  • Endothermic: body heat for metabolism. Warm bodied organisms ( rat, human)
Advantages for an endothermic: greater stamina and it helps maintain homeostasis. It can help warm bodied organisms to outrun cold-blooded. If there is a higher metabolism, then it means there is more energy for the organism. Homeostasis can help organisms to reach their normal body temperature in extreme climates. 
Disadvantages for an endothermic: more food for metabolism. Many organisms have to either eat more or less in order to absorb or let go heat. It is a disadvantage being a endothermic because it's harder to absorb heat fast enough.

  • Ectothermic: regulate body temperature using the environment. Cold-blooded organisms (crayfish, worm, frog)
Advantages for being a ectothermic: Organisms use the sun to heat up and it can have a low metabolic requirements when it is inactive. Organisms don't need to have a normal body temperature and can starve for long periods of time. They can use the sun's energy as heat.
Disadvantages for being a ectothermic: organisms don't react well to cold climates or surroundings. It can make organisms to slow down or sometimes cause them to hibernate.

        The earthworm's skin has many mucus glands, which makes the skin really slimy and it's easier for the worm to breathe because it absorbs oxygen into the skin and allows the skin to let in specific things in the body. Gas exchange happens through the skin by small blood vessels. The worm has small bristles called setae that are attached on the skin for movement. Waste is removed at the bottom of the organism.  The worm doesn't have any respiratory organs and their mouth is connected to their digestive system.  The worm doesn't have eyes but they have sensors in their head that sense out for danger. The
 worm has advantages for their integumentary system like it's easier for them to move around and to feel and sense many things that are in their way. Some disadvantages are that it's harder for the worm to protect itself since they don't have eyes nor arms or legs to see the danger that might hurt them and they can't protect themselves because they are not big enough to fight back.

          The crayfish has an exoskeleton and it is segmented just like the worm. It processes melanin, which gives the organism color. The outside of the crayfish is for protection and it isn't permeable on the outside. On each leg of the crayfish, it has a gill connected to it. The movement of the legs helps circulate water over these gills and allows the crayfish to breathe by getting oxygen. A advantage of the crayfish is that it can fight with its claws and can also camouflage itself, depending on the danger and the color it is. A disadvantage of the crayfish is that it can be harder for the crayfish to breathe if it loses its legs or if the oxygen in the water is too low or polluted.

         The integumentary system of a frog has many functions. The integumentary system is the skin of a frog, and it helps to protect the frog by camouflage. The frog has a lot of melanin for camouflage. The skin of the frog is very permeable to gases and water (diffusion). It helps the skin to stay moist when the frog is on land and helps the frog to breathe while underwater. The frog has long legs that are used for swimming and jumping. The frog has a long tongue that is used to catch food like flies, beetles, and other insects. The frog has a strong jaw that is used to close down so the insects won't get out. They don't have teeth so they just swallow their food whole. A advantage of the frog is that it can get away from predators faster by using the muscles on their legs to jump long distances and it is easier for the frog to hide in the water using its camouflage. A disadvantage of the frog is that just like the worm, it needs to keep their skin moist in order to breathe.

          The integumentary system of a rat also has many functions but is different compared to the other organisms that were mentioned. The rat has fur and has a endoskeleton. It has a nose and eyes to smell and to see unlike the worm. It has fingernails and also has four feet for movement. It has whiskers to help sense  A advantage of the rat is that it can use its nails for protection and to cut many things. A advantage of its fur is that it can maintain homeostasis by keeping it warm in cold temperatures. The rat is endothermic and a disadvantage is that it has to get food in order to get energy and to have metabolism. A disadvantage for the rat is that it can die if they go out and find food also they aren't smart enough to get past mouse traps.

     The integumentary system is very similar and different to the digestive, muscular, skeletal, respiratory, and circulatory system because they all do different functions and use different organs to keep the body running and alive. The integumentary system is similar to the skeletal system because they both keep the body protected and they both repair damaged by the help of cells. A advantage of the integumentary system is that it keeps the body protected from things that are not supposed to be part of the body like bacteria and other wastes. A disadvantages of the integumentary system is that the skin can get damaged and it can be easier for a cut to get infected by bacteria because there isn't skin to prevent the bacteria from going in.

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